Written Content

  • BCM: Where Opportunities Are Grown

    Before Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans ranked last among the state’s 67 school districts. Today, the city’s schools have seen tremendous growth thanks, in part, to BCM’s strategic grant-making which helped launch the charter school movement in Orleans Parish.

  • BCM: Covered By God's Love

    When Dr. Hannah Pounds first started working with the Ninth Ward community in New Orleans, she found her patients often had to travel great distances to access the care they needed. There were no health centers in the area; no doctors, no clinics, and no pharmacies.

  • BCM: Helping the Helpers

    The common theme heard amongst pastors was that they were struggling with feeling overwhelmed. The constant flow of funerals, sickness, and pain would be intense for anyone, and the inherent role of a pastor seemingly discourages “a day off.”

    The group of pastors asked themselves, “Who is helping the helpers?”

  • New Orleans Museum of Art

    I first moved to New Orleans seventy-two hours before Katrina and recently my parents experienced Hurricane Maria while living in Puerto Rico. At the time of the opening of Afuera/Adentro (Outside/In), my folks still did not have power in their neighborhood—they didn’t get it back until seven months following the storm.

  • social media hacking

    Four Ways to Avoid Social Hacking

    Social media hacking is on the rise and can happen to anyone - from someone’s personal account to the handles for major corporations or government entities. Those who’ve gone through it have described the experience as traumatic and even violating.
